Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Post by Chelsea: 2nd day of school and other things.

yeah. The past is hard, so what.
But I think that if I didn't have my past I wouldn't be able to "handle" Cory at any
other time in my life. That's why I'm glad we got together ten years later.
 Cory, like myself, needs attention and compliments and faithfulness. It took me awhile to learn that I wanted these things formyself. And it took me even more time to know that I can not only receive those things that I expect, but also give them...... and I'm going to do that for Cory.
I've always thought I would have something exceptional one day and just like everything else that is exception, its hard, and it will be hard. I don't care if it's hard. I just want to be able to tell Cory when I feel like life is too much for me. I need someone to talk to. I can't hide my emotions, I will never be able to do that(wish I could sometimes).

The problem is though, all my ex boyfriends were robots. They had no emotions so "being there" for me was quite easy for them because it didn't require much out of them. Cory is emotional and get's crabby. In part, its a good thing I need someone that doesn't let me get away with anything at all. But babe, right back at ya ;)

So I guess this is my first time dating an actual human being.
I'm human too.

This love will always be alive.

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