Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28, 2013

A blog by Cory.

I leave to catch the bus to go to my first day at work at 4:45.
It's hard to wake up from a nice sleep to these texts.
Texts saying Chelsea is weak.
Saying that going with him is a possibility. 
That just really hurts.
I'm not unemotional. 
My heart is weak.
Especially this week.
I understand.
I'm okay with working on it with her.
I really am.
I love her.
I'd do anything to have her choose me over anyone else.
I know she's the one for me.
That's why I won't give up.
Not now.
Not tomorrow.
Not a month from now.
Not ever.
I promise that to MYSELF.
I don't like being an asshole and not let her do things.
But, I just know how those situations end.  I've DONE IT..
I'm most definitely not oblivious.
Nor am I naive.
Trying to keep myself happy.
Because most of my life that's how I've kept myself sane.
I guess I really can control my emotions internally.
But my love for Chelsea is like an open heart surgery.
If she ever did something unfaithful, that heart is ruined.
And that patient dies.
I don't want the patient to die.
I wouldn't want her patient to die either.

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